Thursday, April 17, 2014

Earth Day. 5 ways to celebrate!

Well, Earth Day, April 22nd, is fast approaching, and this morning I thought to myself "now what kind of environmental, hippie blog would I be if I didn't somehow address this?"

Not a very good one, thats what kind. An imposter, really (have you ever looked up synonyms for imposter? Google it)


Here are some simple ways to go through Earth Day (and possibly create new habits)

1) Shut off the water. Do you let the water run while brushing your teeth? It's a pretty sub conscience thing to do in our society, so don't feel bad. But next time you are scrubbing those pearly whites, see what you do.

2) Pay attention to your paper products. Do you use napkins? Paper towels? Kleenex? Toilet paper? Diapers and wipes? Does your family use paper plates or cups? Did you get a coffee to-go? It's amazing the amount of paper products one family will use (I'm not big on statistics since that generally implys the use of math, which, unless it involves measuring sugar for cookies, I'm so not there). Moving on. Use Earth Day to pay attention to your use of all that lovely paper. *I plan on using this topic in its own special blog post with awesome alternatives, fret not*

3) Fight the consumerism. Basically, don't plan a trip to Costco.

4) Cook from the earth. If you aren't already on board the "no processed, no boxed" train (or might be clinging desperately to the caboose *coughs*) then use this day as a reminder as to how delicious fresh dinner can taste. Never had Alfredo Spaghetti Squash? Here :
You're Welcome. *I used almond or soy milk instead of cows milk.

5) And last but not least... thank the Maker. Go for a walk, look at the sky and the beautiful spring in full bloom (depending on your location) and simply be reminded of how amazing it all is. How we were given this wonderful gift to be stewards over. Us! My, what faith He has in us. But then, that's another post for another time.

On a light note, here's a fabulous article I found which I'm sharing mainly because #9 made my day. I also think I'll do #27 with little T.

Happy Earth Day!

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